Tuesday, November 3, 2009


きのうは わたしのバースデー(birthday)でした。でも わたしは ビジネスのてすとのべんきょを しました。ビジネスのてすとは きょうのあさのはちじに ありました。わたしは とても つまらないでした(tired)。

でも それから(after that) わたしのせいかつは いいでした。

いま わたしは 日本のいいテレビドラマを みます。

I'm right now watching a Japanese TV series called 萤之光(ホタルノヒカリ). It's about a kind of girls' lifestyle. In this drama, an interior decorator  is respected by her coworkers for being efficient and having good working habits. However, whenever there are company get-togethers, she does not attend them; instead she'd rather go home, eat junk food, and read manga all day. She also does not have a boyfriend, so she doesn't care how she dresses at home; you can find her in the grossest t-shirts with old stains and rips. In fact, she's so sloppy that she passes out underneath newspapers sometimes. In this drama (which was based on the manga), this description is called a "ひものおんな," or "dried woman." Actually in Chinese there is a similar word refer to ひものおんな. (exactly the same Kanji characters 干物女)

Tell me if you like it! わたしは ホタルノヒカリような!(I like this drama!)
(I just forgot how to use すきです...)

here is the website for the drama: http://www.ntv.co.jp/himono/

I watched it through Chinese Youtube called Tudou("potatoes"), and I found the drama with English subtitles!

Lazy girls, You MUST watch it!!

(sorry I cannot embed it to my blog)

Let's watch this MV of the drama!


  1. レンさんは なんじから なんじまで テレビを みますか。

  2. わたしは たいてい にちよびのしちじから  くじまで テレビを みますか。

    でも いつも たくさん しゅくだいが あります。 


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